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Be More Lamp Post - Shedding Light on Sales

helping business podcasts sales selling May 29, 2023

The world of sales has often been perceived as a hard-edged, pressurised environment that can send shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned entrepreneurs. It's a murky landscape that has traditionally been filled with aggressive pitches and manipulative tactics. But what if we could change that perception? What if we could shift from hard sales to guidance and trust? This fresh perspective on the sales process, coined as the 'Lamp Post Approach,' encourages just that.

Imagine a poorly lit path - it's unclear, stressful, and quite frankly, intimidating for both the seller and the customer. This is often how the traditional sales process is viewed. Now, imagine a lamp post, steadfast and glowing amidst the darkness, illuminating the path, providing clarity and assurance. The Lamp Post Approach to sales is this beacon of light, guiding customers towards their desired destination, providing options, and assisting them in making informed choices.

The essence of the Lamp Post Approach lies in its guiding principle: lighting the way for customers without any pressure, enabling them to make their own decisions. It's about positioning your business, products, and services in a light that truly represents their value and guiding the customer towards the choice that best suits their needs.

Think about it - would you rather wander aimlessly in the dark or have a reliable source of light guide your way? Your customers feel the same. With the Lamp Post Approach, you're not manipulating or using shady sales tactics. Instead, you're being a reliable guide, a beacon of trust and assurance.

Implementing the Lamp Post Approach starts with understanding your business thoroughly. Not just a surface-level comprehension, but a deep understanding of your costs, your value, and why your offerings are priced as they are. This knowledge shines a light on your value proposition and allows you to confidently communicate this to your customers.

Transparency is another key element of the Lamp Post Approach. It involves openly discussing prices and value with your customers, illuminating the entire process. Too often, businesses keep the prices hidden in the dark until the very last moment, creating an aura of mistrust. By shedding light on prices and the value your customers are receiving, you're building trust and making your customers feel valued and respected.

The Lamp Post Approach extends to how you handle the final sale. Instead of trying to trap your customers into making quick decisions, guide them through the process. Enlighten them about your offerings, how these provide value, and why they should choose you. This education-focused approach empowers customers, builds trust, and often leads to more satisfied and loyal customers.

Remember, sales are not just about pushing a product or service onto a customer. It's about a customer choosing, based on the value they perceive. This perceived value is easier to judge when the customer knows you, likes you, and trusts you. This trust develops from open, transparent discussions, and not from shady tactics.

In conclusion, 'Being More Lamp Post' means glowing with value, guiding your customers through their options, and illuminating the path to their desired product or service. It's about flipping the switch on traditional sales tactics, cherishing your offerings, and sparking inspiration in your customers, ultimately leading to a successful deal.

The Lamp Post Approach is an enlightening perspective shift that places value, trust, and guidance at the forefront of your sales process. By illuminating the path for your customers and guiding them through their buying journey, you're not just improving their buying experience; you're also building a strong foundation for your business that's based on trust, respect, and value. So, step out of the shadows, embrace the light, and let your sales journey shine brightly with the Lamp Post Approach.