Worry Less Wisdom

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Be Less Hamster - Unleash Your Time-Conquering Hero: Escaping the Hamster Wheel

business support helping business time management Jun 09, 2023

Is your life a never-ending to-do list, constant stress, or a pursuit of something that always seems just out of reach? If that's the case, it's time for you to break free and adopt a new mantra: be less hamster!

Ever found yourself identifying a little too much with that tiny creature, endlessly scampering on a wheel, going nowhere fast? Don't worry, you're not alone. This metaphor resonates with most people stuck in the perpetual motion of their professional lives. It's an unfortunate reality, and many of us fall into this hamster trap, thinking being constantly busy equates to being successful. But there's good news – the wheel can be stopped!

Look, once upon a time, I was a hamster. I was racing through life, pushing my midnight oil burnings into the early hours, all under the illusion that this was the way to success. But all it led to was a life where I was time poor, cash poor and everything in between.

A hamster life involves running but never getting anywhere, being forever busy but never catching up. It's about being swept up in the illusion that being constantly busy is synonymous with being successful. But if we're honest, it's just that—an illusion.

Everything shifted for me after reading "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. The essence of this transformational book is to work smarter, not harder. And guess what, it's not just about the method but understanding the psychology of our hamster-like brains!

Our brain, in its infinite wisdom, is pretty rubbish when it comes to storage and retrieval systems. It's an excellent problem-solver, a stellar creator, but as a to-do list or a reminder set? Absolutely rubbish. That's where David Allen's GTD concept comes in, and I've boiled it down to three steps to help liberate you from the wheel:

  1. The two-minute rule: If a task takes less than two minutes, do it right away. Yes, you read that right, right now! The energy and effort it takes to remember that small task, write it down, and then recall it later is more than just doing it immediately. It's a small step but hugely transformative.
  2. Break tasks down: Those monstrous tasks can seem intimidating, but here's a trick: break them down. Instead of writing something enormous like "build a new website," list out actionable steps to reach that goal. This process makes tasks more manageable and gets you closer to your goal with every tick off the list!
  3. Weekly reviews: Dedicate 20 minutes a week to review your list. Update it, cross off completed tasks, and keep it fresh. Over time, your brain will trust this system, freeing it from the need to remember everything and allowing you to focus on what you do best.

These three simple hacks can help you bid farewell to the ceaseless spin of the hamster wheel. These small, manageable changes will unlock your time, supercharge your productivity, and give you a sense of relief you didn't know you were missing.

So, are you ready to transform into a hamster-free workplace? Let's make this change together, becoming a little less hamster and a lot more human.