Worry Less Wisdom

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Be Less Fishy - Transforming Your Business: From Fishy Tactics to WOW and Wonder

business support helping business marketing podcasts sales Jun 01, 2023

Have you ever had that sinking feeling when a customer proclaims you're too expensive? Or daydreamed about a reality where clients appreciate not just the product you provide, but the entire essence of your brand? If these scenarios sound familiar, it's time for an adjustment in your business approach. Let's transform from being 'fishy' to generating 'wow and wonder.'

In our entrepreneurial journey, we often encounter the harsh reality of clients not valuing our work as much as we do. It's akin to creating a masterpiece and receiving far less than what it's worth. These moments can be discouraging, and if not handled carefully, they might steer our business decisions off track. It's like a tiny stone in your shoe that, over time, changes your walk and eventually leads you astray. But is there a way to change this narrative?

The answer lies in a peculiar phrase - "being less fishy." Let's think about fishing. From the fisherman's viewpoint, it's a fantastic setup: an irresistible bait, a perfect hook, and an unsuspecting fish. But what if the fish could write a review? It would hardly be a rave about the surprise hidden behind the tantalizing bait.

Surprisingly, this scenario mirrors many marketing strategies, particularly the old "bait and switch" tactic. You offer something free, your clients snap it up, and then feel cheated when they're expected to spend more than anticipated. In this situation, you're playing the fisherman, employing a deceptive trick to get what you want.

What if we swapped this approach for a more ethical one? If everyone else in our industry is employing the same tactics, then that's a perfect reason to explore something new! The problem isn't capturing people's attention, but the deceptive switch part of the equation. By offering something for free, you're unconsciously undermining your value and credibility. And when you suddenly ask your clients to invest a significant amount of money, it feels deceitful.

We need to be smarter. We need to find a better way to market and engage with our clients, a better way to showcase the value of our offerings. Enter the 'wow and wonder' method.

Instead of attracting clients with an offer that potentially devalues your services, why not WOW your clients with an experience they won't forget? Celebrate an achievement and invite your clients to join in. Offer your time and expertise as a thank you, or a discount on their purchase. This approach shows clients that you value their business and want to give back. It makes them feel appreciated and strengthens your relationship.

Now for the 'wonder' part of the equation. By offering value when clients purchase, you're sparking curiosity and anticipation. They start imagining the products they'll buy, the overall experience. You're enhancing your services in their minds, creating excitement even before they interact with your products. 'Wow and wonder' is the antithesis of being fishy.

In essence, being less fishy is about being authentic, genuine, and customer-focused. It's about building a relationship based on trust, value, and mutual respect. Let's focus on creating a business experience as clear as a tropical sea. Let's build a business that thrives on value, trust, and mutual respect.

In conclusion, don't bait - invite, don't switch - create wonder, and let's all strive to be less fishy.